Author Archives for Carolyn Hartmann

One seemingly simple quiz, so many benefits!

سبتمبر 7, 2022 3:58 م Published by التعليقات على One seemingly simple quiz, so many benefits! مغلقة

Find out how as well as gathering valuable audience segmentation data, MHM's Culture Segment personality quizzes can drive traffic to your website and social media, increase e-newsletter sign-ups and deepen engagement with your visitors.

User Modes

أغسطس 23, 2022 11:15 ص Published by التعليقات على User Modes مغلقة

We believe that defining User Modes is essential to the development of our increasingly complex websites.

Audience Atlas New York 2021

يوليو 8, 2022 1:23 م Published by التعليقات على Audience Atlas New York 2021 مغلقة

In November 2021 we published the latest insights from our large-scale study of New York audiences: Audience Atlas. Watch our webinar, read the report and find out about the whole market for the New York metropolitan area, including those who aren't yet cultural attenders but could be persuaded to do so.

A spotlight on Affirmation and nature: conscious decision-makers

يوليو 8, 2022 12:32 م Published by التعليقات على A spotlight on Affirmation and nature: conscious decision-makers مغلقة

One of our eight Culture Segments, Affirmation are known for being conscientious decision makers rather than spiritual when it comes to nature. Find out how you can best target this segment here.

What donors really want from charities

يونيو 24, 2022 10:36 ص Published by التعليقات على What donors really want from charities مغلقة

MHM has worked with many charities in the past to provide valuable insight into what their donors expect from their contributions. This research has been crucial in understanding donor motivations and trends across the heritage, arts and cultural sectors.