We’re a 170-year-old organisation but before 2015 we knew very little about our audiences.

The Shakespeare Birthplace Trust

Whether you’re a museum, theatre or heritage site you exist to share your vision and values with the wider world. Understanding the dynamics of your current audiences is the first step towards building deeper, longer-lasting relationships with them. Our research will help you profile your audiences – we’ll tell you exactly who’s visiting, why they came, what they did and how they felt about their visit – both in person and online. But it’s our insight that will shape your decision-making: we’ll give you clear recommendations to develop new audiences, grow engagement, build loyalty and, ultimately, connect more people with your cause.

How we can help

Audience profiling

Get reliable data about who’s visiting, what they did, and how they felt about their visit.

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Digital audience strategy

Gain deeper understanding of how your online audiences can fuel wider engagement and loyalty.

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Visitor experience

Understand your visitors’ motivations, behaviour, responses and outcomes, from the moment they cross the threshold to the very end of their visit and beyond.

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Visitor 360°

MHM’s tried and tested programme of visitor surveying goes beyond simple demographics to reveal the insight you need.

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Meet our expert

As Data Director, Medwen has overall responsibility for the quality of the quantitative data MHM collects, and specialises in complex programme evaluations and market appraisals. Get in touch with her today to discuss how you can understand and grow your audience to its full potential.

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