Culture Segments

Who are they?

Perspective are fulfilled, happy doing their own thing, driven by their own agenda. They are very focused on a limited number of interests they find satisfying and rewarding and have a low appetite for expanding this repertoire.

They are very self-sufficient and don’t rely on others for fulfilment. They’re unaffected by the views of others and tend to prioritise their own needs. Perspective have a need to make their own discoveries, so it will be their desire to learn that provides a focus for any cultural engagement.

What role does culture play for them?

Perspective tend to do things on their own terms. Going to a communal experience like a theatre, or a big, busy museum is not Perspective’s natural game. Rather, they prefer entering a private, affective, personal bubble. They typically have a particular thing they pursue, enjoy, and are knowledgeable about. The externalisation of this is not so relevant – that it is rewarding to them is what matters.

The most self-sufficient of all the segments, Perspective can be marked out for their individuality. They have an underlying spontaneous nature that means they may just opt to explore what you have to offer them – but it will be for them to decide if this is the case.

What do they get out of it?

Whether it’s online, watching a documentary, reading a book or listening to a podcast, Perspective like environments where the stimulation is quite personal. Going to things with others may not be their first instinct but they may be convinced of something’s specialness. Having an up-close personal encounter with the object they’ve read about, seeing a text they’ve read interpreted for stage or the depth they could get from hearing a curator talk, could in fact be irresistible.

Perspective are thinkers, so it is not that they are averse to new things and ideas, rather that they already have an enthusiasm for particular subjects and want to focus their time in ways that relate. They therefore register lower levels of interest in most art forms as the art form itself will not be the pull – more the subject matter being dealt with.

What influences their choices?

When it comes to marketing, Perspective are the one segment that have no fear of missing out. All the other segments think there’s probably something happening somewhere that they’ve not heard of. Perspective think they’ve already found it, so they’re not looking.

If what you’re doing aligns with their pre-existing interests and ignites their passion, then they will arrive with great motivation to engage, hoping you will really bring things to life for them. However, given these tend to be private passions it will be for them to discern its relevance to them.

Building relationships with them

Perspective tend to be self-centred and not ultimately interested in having a relationship with you. Remote is fine. They are concerned in the world rather than people. They are interested in what the people did but they don’t feel a need to meet them.

If they don't attend?

You could ignore them for a lifetime and they wouldn’t realise. They view it as their business if they decide to engage with you – not yours to try and persuade them.

Therefore, on the most part, they don’t make a priority segment to actively target as the return on investment is less rewarding than for other segments. Those in the market for what you do, are likely to attend – providing you have sufficient profile and people can find out what’s on. This may also be the case where you are picked up by the blogs or editorial they follow. Others will come on their own terms and you may pick them up along the way.

Meet the Segments


ESSENCE are core cultural visitors: discerning, confident, independent and arts-essential.

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EXPRESSION are people people: committed, generous, creative and community minded.

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STIMULATION love big ideas: they’re active, social, experimental thrill seekers.

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AFFIRMATION like to do the right thing: they’re diligent, cautious and spend their time well.

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ENRICHMENT see the present through the past: heritage, tradition, narrative and nostalgia.

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RELEASE feel time poor: busy, prioritising, ambitious but seeking escape.

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ENTERTAINMENT are looking for fun: leisure opportunities that are mainstream and popular.

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