Were fascinated by what makes people tick

We are an international strategy and insight consultancy. We work with charities, heritage and cultural groups of all sizes to develop their audiences and organizations.

Culture Segments

Culture Segments is a powerful psychographic segmentation tool to help you better understand and engage with your attenders and non-attenders.

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Eco Mindsets

Eco mindsets is a new psychographic profiling system that helps cause led organisations understand what drives people to act for the environment, and what they can do to encourage greater action in future.

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MHM: the Gulf’s arts, culture and heritage audience specialists

Research and expertise from the smallest exhibition to the biggest national project in Saudi Arabia.

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Featured client stories

Maximising donor engagement at West Australian Opera

West Australian Opera have been using Culture Segments successfully since 2018 for audience understanding and for marketing. However, in 2022 they decided to apply it to philanthropy as well. The results show the power and impact of targeted fundraising.

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How psychographic segmentation can help to diversify your audience

Director of our UK Cause-led division, Guy Turton, explains a two-step audience development plan to achieve audience diversification.

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Audience Atlas Saudi Arabia

MHM undertook a new comprehensive study of cultural engagement in our Audience Atlas Saudi Arabia.

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