Select segments to target

There are eight Culture Segments, but most cultural organisations won’t use all eight. Instead, they’ll identify three to four segments to target for audience acquisition, retention and / or increased engagement. These might be those who have the biggest share of your current or potential markets; those who are currently most closely aligned with your brand or offer; or those have the greatest potential alignment with that offer. So, how do you identify those target segments?

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Optimise your impact

Culture Segments is a psychographic system, meaning it goes beyond demographics and behavioural patterns to uncover the deep-seated values. It provides a rich and reliable basis upon which to build strategy in audience development, programming, communications, membership, fundraising, retail and more – transforming cultural organisations’ audience engagement. See the difference it will make across your organisation.

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Applying Culture Segments strategically

Culture Segments can be used in any scenario where your current or future audience is in contact with your offer. The segments give you almost limitless scope to make decisions with renewed confidence and maximise your return on investment. Culture Segments are practical and easy to apply. In fact, the hardest part may be choosing where in your organisation you should try it first.

Applying Culture Segments strategically

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    Get started with Culture Segments

    We offer training to use Culture Segments in your programming and product development, your services, your brand and your communications. Ultimately, we can build completely bespoke Culture Segment profiles for your organisation. If you want to fully understand your existing audiences and to reach out to new ones, you need Culture Segments.