The research and consultation gave us a new perspective on our role in the city – not as a landmark, but as a living, breathing organisation made up of people with a burning passion for music.

Andy Boreham, Bristol Beacon (formerly Colston Hall)

‘Fundamentally audience-focused, resolutely cause-led’ should be one of the most important guiding principles for any 21st-century cultural organisation. As an educational and cultural organisation, you have agency for change. What is the change you want to make in the world? That’s your cause. Your vision describes the world that you’ve changed. And your missions, or your strategic objectives, are the tasks you need to carry out, as an entire organisation, in order to achieve that vision.

But defining that cause and establishing a foundation for change can often be difficult. MHM offers a program of strategic organisational support and development designed to help you really drive change and achieve your vision.

Auckland Council’s Creative Language

Auckland's City Rail Link is an opportunity – and from a budgetary perspective, also a major challenge – to embody and celebrate Tāmaki Makaurau’s unique creative and cultural identity.

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Earthwatch: How Eco Mindsets unlocked their potential

Earthwatch asked MHM to provide stakeholder insight that would support their work: they wanted to understand what would inspire pro-environmental behaviour change amongst their potential supporters.

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Becoming a 21st century visitor attraction

As part of our work on the Arts Marketing Association's 21st Century Visitor Attractions programme, we created a one-page Audience Engagement Plan, designed to help cultural and heritage organisations become more audience-focused, resilient and successful.

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Also see

Brand development

Programme of workshops, strategic coaching and modelling exercises to help you distil who you are and what you stand for.

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Understanding your audience

Fuel your development strategies with actionable insight on who is in your audience, how they interact with your offer and where you will find opportunities for growth.

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    Interested in working with us?

    Interested in articulating your organisation’s cause but not sure where to start? We’d love to hear your thoughts and see if we can help. Just complete the form on the left and one of our consultants will be in touch to discuss your situation.