The first step is to familiarise yourself with the segments – joining an international community of Culture Segments users

Find out your own segment here, and download the Pen Portraits for free here. You can also sign up to our regular audience insights email, which contains stories, case studies, inspiration and how-to guides from our international clients, many of whom use Culture Segments in their day-to-day operations.

This will put you fully in the Culture Segments universe: talking the same audience language and evaluating success using the same benchmarks as the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Chester Zoo, Auckland Art Gallery, Shakespeare’s Globe, and many more.

Next, consider an in-depth interactive workshop to explore how Culture Segments can help you achieve your goals

Our Culture Segments Curriculum starts with an introductory, interactive and participatory workshop with your team. MHM’s expert consultants or directors will present the principles of psychographic segmentation, introduce you to the eight Culture Segments, and lead a variety of interactive exercises, designed to help you walk a mile in the segments’ shoes and consider your organisation from their perspective.

You can read more about the other sessions included in the Culture Segments Curriculum here.

Learn more

Finally, you can get tailored Culture Segments insight to develop specific audience strategies for your own organisation

A Culture Segments Snapshot survey gives you actionable insight and data, specific to your own organisation. We start with a diagnostic consultation workshop, similar to the introductory session of the Culture Segments Curriculum.

We’ll work with you to explore how your existing offer and programme might already be appealing to different segments. We’ll then send a short, snappy survey to your database of bookers or e-lists and provide you with robust data and rich insights on the profile of your active audiences: who they are, what segments you’re currently attracting, and how often they visit you. You’ll get a short, visual and insight-rich deck on the findings with recommendations on how to set Culture Segments-based strategies for increased audience engagement.

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    Get in touch

    Feel free, too, to get in touch to arrange an initial diagnostic call with one of MHM’s consultants or directors. We can tell you more about how Culture Segments can help you