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Four reopening insights from Audience Atlas DC

MHM’s Washington DC Audience Atlas report, published in February 2021, focuses heavily on how the pandemic is affecting people’s cultural habits, motivations and future intentions. Read four actionable insights, download the report and watch our webinar.

Building audience focus into M+

In 2021, MHM engaged with Hong Kong's M+ museum to help support their audience-focused journey and direction. Read here about the working relationship between M+ and MHM.

What audiences want on reopening

Our research over the course of the pandemic has given us a clear understanding of what audiences want from cultural venues on reopening. Here you can read about our 5 most striking takeaways.

A roadmap for membership renewal

In comparison to pre-pandemic, membership renewals for many organisations are down due to declining visitor numbers and access to sites. Here, MHM's Cause-led Director Guy Turton discusses our Membership Proposition Maps which have helped many of our clients combat this issue and refine their retention strategies.

Audience-focused reopening campaigns

Our international research on audiences during the pandemic shows people are hoping to get a range of emotions and outcomes from their early encounters back in ‘real life’ culture. Here you will find some great examples of organisations that are clearly demonstrating they will be offering these experiences once we’re all back on the inside.

Covid safe visitor research at British Museum

As part of the British Museum's preparations for reopening in 2020 post-lockdown, MHM carried out evaluations on their practice with methods that eliminated face-to-face research but still provided high-quality data collection and insight.

Optimizing the impact of exhibition planning

For museums everywhere, the need to think strategically about upcoming exhibitions has never been more acute. If your organisation is looking to conduct a formative audience evaluation for an upcoming exhibition, read here for an introduction to MHM’s strategic exhibition mapping.